Saturday, September 3, 2011

2:55pm - Bronson

2:55pm - Bronson dir. Nicolas Winding - Starring: Tom Hardy, Matt King
So Tom Hardy is already one of my favourite actors, and I've only seen him in a handful of films. He was one of the best things about Inception last year and he's going to be Batman's nemesis in The Dark Knight Rises next year. The reason he's making inroads into Hollywood? Bronson. The most unhinged, unforgiving, relentless and conflicting film since Fight Club. You spend the whole time rooting for a charismatic anti-hero, despite knowing that his actions are utterly reprehensible. This is watchable though, in the same way as Moulin RougeStrictly Ballroom and Romeo + Juliet were.
The movie's about a man who decides he wants to become Britain's most (in)famous prisoner. In the way that he's constantly stroking his own ego, this makes a good companion piece to Runaway. Anyway, check out the poster above for the type of praise that's been heaped upon this film. As The New York Times put it, "like Stanley Kubrick’s “Clockwork Orange” reimagined as a one-man stage show and stripped of any political implications. Bronson’s crimes become a kind of performance art, and the film becomes, bizarrely enough, the portrait of a genius misunderstood and marginalized by a bureaucratic and hypocritical social order."

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